Monday, November 14, 2011

Do You Hear What I Hear?

As the old saying goes, sometimes it is best to ride the horse in the direction it is going. 

This morning, my body was wanting to move slowly.  My "horse" was leading me to sit myself down on the couch and be still.  I didn't listen...

I got 30 seconds into my morning jog and doubled over in pain.

Lesson learned. Again.

Let the body lead. 

So simple. Yet, most of us push through the warning signs our bodies offer us all day...everyday.  From the tension in our chest that we experience when we are upset, to the headaches that we get when we work too many hours, we are ignoring the wisdom of our bodies.  Every symptom (and if you think you don't have any, then you aren't paying attention) gives us the opportunity to learn how to live well.  Maybe your back pain is asking you to slow down, or maybe it's asking you to move your body in a certain way.  The body is asking for our attention.  If we ignore it long enough, it will stop us in our longer asking for our attention, rather screaming for it.

If you are at beginner at paying attention to your symptoms and understanding them, begin by asking yourself these questions:

-When did it start? What was going on in my life at that time?
-Where do I feel this in my body? What is the sensation like?
-What makes it better or worse?
-What is this symptom teaching me about how I am living?

Getting to know the ins and outs of your symptoms empowers you.  It allows you to understand which direction the horse is riding and whether you are fighting it.  As I was reminded on my morning jog, the body always wins. 

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